Benefits of Activated Charcoal

I use activated charcoal in my best selling soap as it has amazing absorption abilities. It will help remove built up dirt and grease on the face, leaving it silky smooth. It has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes, but today it has many other uses including

  • The absorption of gases and toxins
  • Lining gas masks
  • Antidote to poison
  • Purifies drinking water
  • Removes odours (used as a body deodorant, shoe and fridge deodorant)
  • Treats overdoses
  • Teeth whitening and oral health
  • Wound cleaning
  • Relieves itching caused by bites and stings
  • Relieves bloating and flatulence

It’s amazing stuff!

I get mine from Baldwin’s who source theirs from coconut shells rather than wood. This means that no trees or food sources are wasted to produce it.

“The charcoal undergoes a process called “activation”. This is achieved by firstly burning the shells in the absence of air and then placing the carbonized shells in a kiln full of steam at a temperature above 800 C for between 12-24 hours. The steam opens up the pores of the charcoal and thereby enlarges them. It is this process of “activation” that creates an enormous internal surface area (over 1000 sq meters per gram of charcoal!) which makes the charcoal such an effective adsorbent. ‘Activisation’ enlarges the pores of the charcoal so much that a teaspoonful has a surface area about the size of a football pitch!.”

😳 A football pitch!!  Can you imagine trying to clean that up!

Getting the most out of your soap bar

♥  Use it every other day on the face otherwise it will dry your skin out, over-producing natural oils.

♥  I lather up the soap in my hands, wash my face then rinse straight away.  

♥  You can leave it on for a few minutes so it acts like a face mask.  Rinse off.

♥  Like all my soaps, the bar needs to drain freely to dry otherwise it will go all squidgy.

bar soap, vegan soap, organic soap, handmade haven, black soap, pore cleanser

Makeup Pad Stain Removal – Natural Cleaner – Soda Crystals

handmade haven, soda crystals, natural household cleaner

Occasionally someone contacts me as they are having trouble with stubborn stains on the makeup remover pads.  Soda crystals are my go to, although if anything does stain mine (usually nail polish 😉 ) I just leave it as I know they are clean…they just have a rainbow on them.

I just add a teaspoon of soda crystals to a bowl, then add hot water and the pads.  I leave for a few hours (or until I remember that I’ve been soaking something), then tip the whole thing in the washer.  Add the rest of the load and do your normal wash.

Soda crystals are great for numerous household cleaning including:-

  • unblocking your sink (pop into plug hole then pour on a kettle full of hot water);
  • softens water (add to normal wash powder);
  • prevents limescale (add to normal wash powder);
  • natural deodorizer (you can add to normal wash powder or run the machine on empty with some soda crystals);
  • natural degreaser (pre-soak).

They do all this good stuff, plus they are biodegradable!  How amazing is that?!  You can pick them up in any supermarket or hardware store.

I’d love to know if you have any other cleaning tips using soda crystals.